CDS DS have been working with the British Army since September 2018 to provide accreditation, assurance and further training opportunities for the over 2000 Army trainers per year attending 'trainer’ training.
Cheltenham based defence consultancy CDS Defence & Security (CDS DS) alongside the British Army have been shortlisted for the TES FE Training Provider of the Year award for their work on providing accreditation, assurance and further training opportunities for the over 2000 Army trainers per year attending 'trainer’ training
The British Army has a strategic need for its soldiers and officers to act with agility. This requires excellence in training and education. The Army Trainer Capability (ATC) supports the Army's desire to maximise talent by identifying and selecting the very best personnel for trainer roles, by changing the Army's culture from one of delivery to one of learner engagement, and by increasing the quality of learning outcomes from each training intervention so personnel become more operationally effective.
A new Army Trainer Capability contract was established on 14 September 2018 with CDS Defence & Security (CDS DS) providing accreditation, assurance and further training opportunities for the over 2000 Army trainers per year attending 'trainer’ training. The contract enables new learners to achieve a Level 3 Award in Education and Training through City & Guilds as well as a suite of optional Level 3 to Level 7 Institute of Leadership and Management Coaching and Mentoring qualifications.
CDS DS and their delivery partner, Made 2 Measure Mentoring (M2M2) work alongside trainers from the Army's trainer school of excellence, ASLS and other training centres to develop students attending the Level 3 Defence Train the Trainer (DTTT), the level 5 Army Trainer Mentor and the Level 7 Army Instructor Leader courses. Using a blend of centralised workshops, one-to-one coaching, e-tutoring and e-learning, CDS DS and M2M2 accredited 3260 Army trainers between 14 September 2018 and 30 September 2019; an achievement lauded by the Army's Head of Soldier Professional Development, Lt Col Chris Austin, as “exceptional”, delivering 126% of the very challenging targets set to accredit all newly-qualified trainers and trainer mentors.
Delivery of training and accreditation is achieved through a system of collaboration and delineation of responsibilities. Army trainers and external providers understand in depth their role in the development of learners and both can learn from each other through regular contact and collaborative CPD.
Working alongside Ultimedia, CDS DS have continued to develop the offer and have launched an outstanding Learning Management System that has seen students move to an electronic portfolio of evidence and receive live online support for the first time.
The focus is on providing the learner with the best possible experience and the very best qualifications. The impact of providing soldiers with nationally-recognised accreditation for the training that they complete must not be underestimated. A significant cohort of soldiers leave school with few, or no, qualifications.
While the Army apprenticeship programmes launch soldiers on their professional development journey, the Army Trainer Capability accreditation scheme provides an opportunity for soldiers to develop their teaching and training skills and inculcates the concepts of personal and professional development. The scheme ensures that all new recruits are trained by professionally qualified trainers, that vital coaching and mentoring skills are provided and that trainers are all supported throughout their professional development journey. In this way, Army trainers are equipped to help recruits achieve the best outcomes from their training and become the best version of themselves that they can be.